Senator Online

Senator Online
Leader Berge Der Sarkissian
Founded 2007
Ideology Electronic Direct Democracy
Politics of Australia
Political parties

Senator Online (Internet Voting Bills/Issues) (abr. SOL) is a registered Australian political party that contested the 2007 Federal election. In the five states the party contested, it received on average 0.06% of the vote (or roughly 6 votes for every 10,000 cast) with the greatest success in Victoria where it received 0.09% of the vote (or roughly 9 votes for every 10,000 cast).

Senator Online does not have any policies. Instead it has pledged to conduct an online poll for every bill that passes before the Senate. Anyone on the Australian electoral roll who is not a member of another political party would be allowed to register to vote in these polls and will be allowed one vote per bill. The senators would then be required to vote in accordance with the clear majority (70% and more than 100,000 votes). If there is no clear majority the senators will abstain from voting.



New South Wales Victoria Queensland Western Australia South Australia
Pat Reilly Robert Rose Ben Peake Daniel Mayer Joel Michael Clark
Berge Der Sarkissian Jenny Barrett Sharon Bateson Zoe Lamont Courtney Clarke


New South Wales Victoria Queensland Western Australia South Australia Total
Votes 2257 3106 1251 824 610 8048
 % 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.06

Total percentage includes formal votes from uncontested states. Data compiled from AEC result spreadsheets, First Preferences by State by Vote Type and Votes By State.

External links

Media coverage